How Gen Z Is Already Disrupting the Business World for the Better

Generation Z has brought numerous changes and innovations to the business world. These young entrepreneurs are breaking stereotypes, bridging racial and gender barriers, and leveraging technology and social media more than any generation before them.

Here are some ways Gen Z is disrupting the business world for the better!

Gen Zs Are Entrepreneurial

Once upon a time, entrepreneurship was associated with experienced professionals with substantial capital bases. However, Gen Z has changed that narrative. A 2022 Microsoft Survey showed that 62% of Gen Z have started or intend to start their businesses.

This means that young people like you are starting and running businesses every day. They’re not waiting to get a business degree or intern in some big corporation. They’re simply identifying problems around them and finding innovative ways to solve them while making profits, which is the classic definition of entrepreneurship.

You, too, can become an entrepreneur. Pay attention to your surroundings; what’s a common problem everyone’s talking about? Can you find a way to solve it?

Let’s say you live in a community with lots of elderly folks who find taking out trash burdensome. How about offering to take out their trash every two days for a fee? What if you also help them with grocery shopping for an additional cost?

If you love to draw, think about setting up a store for your art pieces on Shopify or Amazon. And if you like to keep tabs on the latest happenings, how about doing freelance writing for a local or online gossip magazine?

Gen Zs Leverage Technology for Business Operations and Sales

Unlike older generations that had to adapt to technology, Gen Zs were born into it.

Being digital natives, Gen Z brings their tech-savviness to the business world. They’re quick to master and leverage new technology to get work done. This helps them save time and attend to other important matters.

Gen Z entrepreneurs are known for creating and running businesses (whether product or service-based) from their bedrooms in their spare time while studying or working full-time. As a fellow Gen Zer, you can do the same. Instead of endlessly scrolling TikTok or YouTube Shorts, you can run a profitable business from your bedroom after school hours.

The skills you’ll learn will prepare you to compete favorably in business and help you build confidence to tackle real-world challenges. It will also look good on your college application.

Gen Zs Value Collaborative Work

Unlike traditional businesses that focus on kicking out the competition, Gen Zs value collaboration over competition. Gen Zs believe that we all can win and no one has to lose, which is why they are passionate about building communities.

You can see this clearly in the freelance space. There are thousands of freelance communities where Gen Zers share knowledge, ask questions, and even share gigs.

As a young entrepreneur, you should also adopt this method for your business. Have a business idea you can’t run on your own? Why not share the idea with your friends and get their input? You can ask the friend with the best inputs to join you as a co-founder.

You will get some negative responses when sharing your ideas or seeking collaboration. That’s totally okay. Don’t take it to heart or allow it to dampen your confidence. You can even ask the negative responders the reason for their responses. It can help you see any loopholes or flaws in your product or service offering. This way, you can make the necessary improvements.

Social Justice Is a Major Driving Force for Gen Z

Gen Zs are one of the most passionate groups when it comes to issues of social justice. They strive to save humanity and the planet.

Gen Zs tend to be passionate about environmental sustainability, gender equality, racial equality, climate change and many other social issues. They’re not afraid to make themselves heard, which is why Gen Zs are at the helm of numerous advocacy groups and sustainability-oriented businesses.

Is there a cause you’re passionate about? Can you think of more sustainable alternatives to everyday products used by your schoolmates and community? For example, teenagers are big on phone and audio accessories. You can curate phone and audio accessories made from recycled or compostable, providing a more eco-friendly alternative for your friends.

Gen Zs Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Unlike older generations, Gen Z takes their mental health seriously. They prioritize flexible work schedules, champion remote and hybrid work models, and won’t stay in toxic environments.

Most Gen Z entrepreneurs run their businesses on their schedule from the comfort of their bedrooms or dorm rooms. Because Gen Zs become business owners very young, they learn the discipline and tenacity required for a successful lifetime career earlier.

They learn to manage their time by juggling schoolwork and part-time jobs with their businesses while maintaining an active social life. As young entrepreneurs, they learn early to say no to jobs or companies that will negatively affect their mental health.

The Tiniest Details Matter to Them

Gen Z values honesty, transparency, and consistency. The tiniest bit of inconsistency and dishonesty matters to them. This is why they’re willing to patronize brands whose values are consistent with theirs, even if it means paying more.

Gen Zs hold high accountability standards as young entrepreneurs and won’t overlook any details. They’re quick to call out inconsistency and cancel dishonesty. They hold older businesses accountable, bringing refreshing transparency to the business world.

Join the League of Change-Making Entrepreneurs

As the most socially conscious and tech-savvy generation, Gen Zs are bringing much-needed changes to the business world. They’re disrupting traditional business paths, carving new niches, and bringing more transparency to the business world.

You, too, can join the league of change-makers. As a young entrepreneur, you’ll learn relevant life skills early and be well-prepared for opportunities.

You could be one of the recipients of the Kantner Foundation scholarship for young entrepreneurs. Click here to learn more about our college scholarships for high school entrepreneurs!

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